How Heat Waves Affect Your Skin: Problems And Solutions

How Heat Waves Affect Your Skin Problems And Solutions

Heat waves can impact your skin and leads to a wide range of skin problems that are caused by extreme temperatures and intense UV rays. Some of the common skin issues are sunburn, acne breakouts, dehydration, heat rashes, etc. the high temperatures allow skin to lose its moisture and leave it dry and tight. Sun exposure for a long time can lead to wrinkles and dark spots. Its very important to follow certain practices to take care and protect your skin. Use sunscreens, drink plenty of water, wear lightweight clothes, etc.

1. Sunburn

One of the most common and immediate skin problems is sunburn. When exposed to intense UV radiation, the skin becomes painful, inflamed and red. This is because UV rays damage the DNA of the skin. Sunburns can be severe as well and causes blistering and peeling, which increases the risk of skin cancer. To avoid sunburn you should apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 or above according to the severity of the weather, wear protective clothing and limit sun exposure.

2. Heat Rashes

They occur when sweat gets trapped in clogged sweat ducts leading to red, itchy bumps on your appears in areas where sweat accumulates such as neck, chest, and underarms. This condition is more prevalent during heat waves because of increase in high temperatures and humidity. To prevent heat rash, wear breathable clothing. If a rash develops keep the affected area clean and dry.

3. Dehydration

It is an issue caused by heat waves, as the body loses moisture through sweat. It leads to internal dehydration and leaves the skin dry. When skin is exposed to high temperatures it strips of the natural moisture barrier. The lack of hydration leads to early signs of wrinkles, aging, and fine lines. Avoid long and hot showers which can further dry out skin. Use hydrating face masks and serums that help retain moisture and make your skin glow.

4. Acne Breakouts

During heat waves, the combination of oils, sweat, and dirt on the surface can clog pores. Sweating on the back, face, and chest provides a breeding ground for bacteria. Heat also leads to the formation of sebum that mixes with the sweat and oil on the skin and it leads to pimples. To minimize acne breakouts, cleanse your skin twice a day and avoid touching your skin. Make sure you use products that have salicylic acid.


1. Sun Protection

Use sunscreen with SPF 30 and above, to shield your skin from harmful sun rays. Make sure that you reapply sunscreen every two hours, and wear sunglasses and other protective covering.

2. Drink Fluids

Consume plenty of water throughout the day to replenish lost fluids. Add water rich food items like watermelon, cucumbers, etc to your diet. This way there will be no dehydration in your body.

3. Lightweight Skincare

Make sure that you use lightweight and dermatologically tested products on your skin. Use gel-based moisturizers and water-based serums for hydration and avoid doing heavy makeup.

4. Cool Down Your Skin

Take cool showers to soothe your irritated skin and remove sweat. You should apply aloe vera gel to sunburned area and over exposed areas for instant relief. use cold compress.

5. Cleanse Your Face

Make sure that you wash your face twice a day with an oil-free cleanser to remove sweat and dust. Make sure that you don’t let your hair open and touch your face unnecessarily.

Heat waves are a challenge for your skin but when you have the right care you can minimize its impact. Its important that you enjoy glowing skin even during hottest days.